Libra House is Ownes by
Venus (Sukra). Moon sign (Rashi)
Libra means
that Moon was present in
Libra Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Libra Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Libra Tula, september 2020: Health Prediction:
The first week of September might find you to be stressedover issues related to your mother's health as it might be regressing ordeteriorating. Also, your stress might increase as the month progresses towardsthe second week. The second week may bring you nervousness resulting in youractivities and tasks to be hindered. The third week may bring you ill healthand ailments but your stress and anxieties might subside. The fourth week maybring you great, invigorating, and stimulating health, but your mental healthmay be suffering from anxieties.
Libra Tula, september 2020: Business and Job Prediction:
The first week of September might find you to be lucky inyour job and business dealings. But there are chances of you being hindered byunwanted hurdles and obstacles in your job and you may gain excessive workloadin your job too. Also, for masons and contractors, this time of the month maybring you excessive workload. The second week may find you to be enthusiasticand excited about your job and you may also be burdened with excess works. Thethird week may find you struggling with the excess work pressure. You might bealso indulged in confrontations with your colleagues or employer in your job,but this time of the month may bring you luck in your job. The fourth week maybring you moderate profit in your merchandising and transactions. For serviceholders, you might be burdened with excess works but you may be distracted andinattentive while performing any tasks. As the month progresses towards itstip, you might find yourself to be promoted or praised in your workplace.
Libra Tula, september 2020: Financial Prediction:
The first week of the month may find you to be losing money.The second week may bring you luck regarding your financial condition and youmay gain money too. The third week may find you to be losing money but you maybe able to repay your debts and loans. The fourth week may find you to belosing money in its initial days but as the month progresses towards its tip, youmight be able to gain money, but your financial condition might be detrimentalat the edge of the month. Also, its advised for you to avoid investing moneyat this time of the month.
Libra Tula, september 2020: Educational Prediction:
The month of September might bring you moderate successregarding your educational endeavours.
Libra Tula, september 2020: Social Life Prediction:
The first week of September might find you to be stressedover issues related to your daughter, but your luck might favour you whiletravelling. The second week may bring you assistance from your mother, butthere are chances of you being indulged in confrontations with your brother andrelatives over issues related to your inheritance or property. Your wishes maybe granted and your familial life might be wrangled during this period. Thethird week may find you to be distressed and anxious due to your familialissues resulting in the loss of works and you may be anxious and stressed overissues related to your kids. Also, as the month progresses towards the fourthweek, you might be lucky in your activities but your relatives may attempt tocause you harm. Your honour might be maligned, whereas, your friends might beof assistance and your social status might rise during this period. The fourthweek may bring you difficulties or hindrances but you may get a chance totravel.
Libra Tula, september 2020: Love and Married Life Prediction:
The initial days of the month may be fortunate for youregarding your married life but as the month progresses towards its tip, yourmarried life may be full of disappointment and conflictions. For lovers, youmight find yourself to be indulged in romance and bliss.